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What is the price of Dogecoin?

The price of Dogecoin has fallen by 11.37% in the past 7 days. The price declined by 7.31% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price shrunk by 0.05%. The current price is $0.0816 per DOGE. Dogecoin is 88.97% below the all time high of $0.74. The current circulating supply is 132,670,764,299.894 DOGE.

What is the price prediction for Dogecoin in 2023?

Maximum price prediction for Dogecoin in 2023 is 1.02 USD which is expected to happen by December, 2023. The minimum expected Doge price is 0.12USD (January 2023). What is Dogecoin Price forecast for January 2023? DOGE is expected to be start the year in Green. Dogecoin is expected to trade in between 0.11USD to 0.07USD.

What happened to Dogecoin?

In 2015, Palmer and Markus stepped away from Dogecoin, calling the community “toxic” and criticizing it for being “white male dominated” and marred by “buzzword-filled business ideas.” More recently, Markus said the dogecoin market has been marked by “pump and dumping, rampant greed” and “hype without research”.

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